ModSecurity 3.0 on CentOS 6.9 (1)


■ 環境

  • ModSecurity 3.0
  • CentOS 6.9
  • Vagrant 2.1.1
  • macOS High Sierra

■ ModSecurity 3.0


vagrant init centos/6


$ vagrant ssh
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo su -
[root@localhost ~]# yum install git
[root@localhost ~]# git clone
[root@localhost ~]# cd ModSecurity
[root@localhost ~]# git checkout -b v3/master origin/v3/master
Branch v3/master set up to track remote branch v3/master from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'v3/master'
[root@localhost ModSecurity]#
[root@localhost ModSecurity]# ./
./ line 6: libtoolize: command not found
./ line 7: autoreconf: command not found
./ line 8: autoheader: command not found
./ line 9: automake: command not found
./ line 10: autoconf: command not found
[root@localhost ModSecurity]#


[root@localhost ModSecurity]# yum install libtool -y autoconf automake


[root@localhost ModSecurity]# ./
  : warning: macro `AM_PROG_AR' not found in library
/usr/bin/ bad expression in eval: m4_esyscmd_s(cat headers/modsecurity/modsecurity.h | grep "define MODSECURITY_MAJOR " | awk {'print '} | sed 's/\"//g') + m4_esyscmd_s(cat headers/modsecurity/modsecurity.h | grep "define MODSECURITY_MINOR " | awk {'print '} | sed 's/\"//g')
autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
aclocal: autom4te failed with exit status: 1
autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 1
/usr/bin/ bad expression in eval: m4_esyscmd_s(cat headers/modsecurity/modsecurity.h | grep "define MODSECURITY_MAJOR " | awk {'print '} | sed 's/\"//g') + m4_esyscmd_s(cat headers/modsecurity/modsecurity.h | grep "define MODSECURITY_MINOR " | awk {'print '} | sed 's/\"//g')
autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
autoheader: '/usr/bin/autom4te' failed with exit status: 1
/usr/bin/ bad expression in eval: m4_esyscmd_s(cat headers/modsecurity/modsecurity.h | grep "define MODSECURITY_MAJOR " | awk {'print '} | sed 's/\"//g') + m4_esyscmd_s(cat headers/modsecurity/modsecurity.h | grep "define MODSECURITY_MINOR " | awk {'print '} | sed 's/\"//g')
autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
automake: autoconf failed with exit status: 1
/usr/bin/ bad expression in eval: m4_esyscmd_s(cat headers/modsecurity/modsecurity.h | grep "define MODSECURITY_MAJOR " | awk {'print '} | sed 's/\"//g') + m4_esyscmd_s(cat headers/modsecurity/modsecurity.h | grep "define MODSECURITY_MINOR " | awk {'print '} | sed 's/\"//g')
autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
[root@localhost ModSecurity]#



[root@localhost ~]# curl --silent | tar zx
[root@localhost ~]# cd automake-1.15/
[root@localhost automake-1.15]#
[root@localhost automake-1.15]# ./configure
configure: error: Autoconf 2.65 or better is required.
[root@localhost automake-1.15]#




■ 関連

ModSecurity 3.0 on CentOS 6.9 (2)

ModSecurity 3.0 on CentOS 6.9 (3)